The Meaning and Significance of Rutanda

The Meaning of the Term Rutanda

Ru, in Rutanda, refers to cleansing the inner self, nurturing sensitivity toward beauty, and eliminating any self-centered focus. Rejuvenation of the body, heart, and mind is felt when Rutanda is practiced.

Ta refers to the power of harmony created through the understanding and acceptance of feminine and masculine qualities within us.

N implies unification.

Da expresses the inner self’s expansion of purification and harmony. The expansion is so great that deep roots of purity and harmony are developed within the inner self.

The strength of ta assists the sublime da to root firmly. This rooting leads the consciousness to the understanding of the universe’s natural laws and order.

The Significance of Rutanda’s Stories

The feminine and masculine stories revealed in Rutanda provide insight into our stages of life, including before conception and after death of the physical body. Each pose has an individual meaning and has connections with the other poses. The meaning of a given pose symbolizes dynamic intentions that the practitioner concentrates on while utilizing the poses learned and contemplated upon. Through repetitive practice, Rutanda’s benefits blossom.

Rutanda is deeply connected with Creation itself at all stages. With sincere practice, and with readiness, sensing Creation itself is extremely powerful to experience. The seed of the Source is sensed, filled with compassion, love, sincerity, acceptance, allowance, and all other virtues which is really beyond what words can express. This can be experienced little-by-little along the Rutanda journey.

Rutanda’s practice is rooted in idealism. There are specific reasons for this. We humans require realistic and idealistic viewpoints in our daily life.

For one, if we are too realistic, hopes and dreams cannot be accomplished, and we can be too pessimistic in our attitude toward life. So, some idealism is required. However, if we are too idealistic, then we cannot be practical in our approach toward others and in our daily activities, and we can be too optimistic. We need to integrate these two aspects into our way of thinking.

Secondly, the process of purification can be cumbersome because of all the difficulties and sufferings people often carry. They are often extremely heavy and dense. To break these sources requires idealism. Rutanda offers an ‘idealistic bath’.

Lastly, and most importantly, idealism is based on purity. Just as we use soap to clean our body, we can apply idealism to reveal the pureness of our heart, mind, and soul that always innately exists. A great quality of Rutanda is to cleanse these aspects of our being.

Consequently, idealism is required to assist in this process.

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